Begin your journey into energy healing with our Reiki Level 1 Class, where you’ll connect with universal life force energy and learn the foundational techniques to bring balance and harmony to yourself and others. Here’s what you’ll learn: ✨What is Reiki? Understand Reiki as a gentle yet powerful modality for physical, emotional, and spiritual healing. ✨The History of Reiki Explore the origins of Reiki and the story of Dr. Mikao Usui, the founder of this transformative practice. ✨The 7 Main Chakras Discover the body’s energy centers, their roles in maintaining well-being, and how Reiki aligns them. ✨Hand Positions for Reiki Learn essential hand placements for self-healing and offering Reiki to others. ✨Different Ways to Practice Reiki Explore creative techniques to incorporate Reiki into your daily life and healing practice. You will also receive: You will receive your Attunement: A sacred initiation connecting you to Reiki energy. A Certificate of Completion: Recognizing your training and readiness to practice Reiki Level 1. 🚨Important Class Details🚨👇🏽 ‼️This class will be conducted via Zoom TIME: ⏰ 10am-12 noon Pacific Standard Time⏰ The Zoom link will be sent two days before class Class will not be recorded. Your presence is mandatory. All intellectual rights belong to JJConstellation. All sales are final.
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